You'll want to have someone on the boosted section at the B Site so they can look over into Banana to try to spot the other team as they push. The left route from T Spawn leads to the Mid and has a Ledge that provides a line of sight to Top Mid which is critical since the Counter-Terrorists can hold Top Mid. While uninteresting, it leads to different areas that can reach Site A. The T Spawn for this map is in the far bottom left corner with little of interest around it. Once the team wins Site A, that player has given the rest of the team more freedom to roam. For the first half of the game, they're just trying to survive and keep them busy. The player who intends to keep the CTs in the Banana should purchase a Flak Jacket to help them with their job. This is a tremendous bonus and can completely change the fate of the round. The fifth player should aim to hold the Banana to prevent the team from being flanked, but once the fighting starts, they need to rejoin their team.Aim to win the pistol round if you can, if you win it then the enemy team won't be able to buy any automatic weapons for the next round. Remember there are most likely CT at the Graveyard, Cemetery and Pit areas. This means the two players making their way to Site A from the ground will need to throw a smoke grenade at the Truck and approach Site A. To take Site A, you will want to split up to clean out the Apartments so that two players work together to make sure it's safe so they can get a vantage point from that area.

This is very risky and you would better off heading towards the Arch so you can monitor where the Terrorists will attack Site A from to relay that information to your team. Coming through the CT Apps brings them to the Balcony which can work if you were looking to block this area off to them and force them to go another way round. This is a suitable spot to hold an enemy until you can either get the kill or until your team can come and support you.There is also the option of using the Truck to get onto the Balcony but keep in mind that Terrorists might come from behind you there. Graveyard and Pit are more powerful positions as you can throw some smoke or a Molotov in the enemies path, move into a better position and fire at them. How to defend Bombsite A on Infernoĭefending from A Site is not a great option unless you're the only one left alive on your team as you will be more vulnerable there. There are a lot of attack and defending options here. As one of the Bomb planting spots, this is a regular fighting area along with Pit next to it where the CT usually try to hold back the Terrorists.