How easy is LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 to pick up and play?

One mission involves interviewing a string of goons to try and figure out the password to free a MODOK cosplayer (who's unfortunate enough to have been mistaken for the real thing), while another asks you to set up Hulk: The Musical, as you rush to fix up the stage and wake the star in time for its premier. Littered around town are umpteen quests for you to lend a hand with, which could be anything from finding a lost cat, to taking a photo of a certain area. Outside of the set levels, you also have the huge open world of Chronopolis to explore, with districts that combine everything from the Wild West and Medieval England, to futuristic Xandar and a dark "Noir" version of New York. Big end of level bosses may require a bit more thought, though, and often need you to build useful items out of LEGO to give them what for - perhaps a big cannon of some sort, or something daft to distract them while you give them a sneaky punch. Of course, Kang's minions don't make it easy for you, and there'll be fights aplenty along the way, against a myriad of bad guys - most of which you can dispose of with LEGO's simple button-mashing combat. From time to time, you'll come across various road blocks - perhaps a pile of shiny metal pieces that only Rocket Racoon's rockets can blast through, a big heavy boulder you'll need someone buff like Hulk to shift, or a far off switch that only Captain America's shield can activate.

Each level here revolves around taking control of a group of three or so super heroes, making use of your characters' special abilities to progress, and beating up any bad guys that try and get in the way. Split into twenty or so separate, self contained levels, LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 plays like more of a "traditional" LEGO game compared to LEGO Ninjago's more open stages. How do you play LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2?